Hydrotech USA LLC. High Speed MBBR Wastewater Treatment Packaged Plants
Hydrotech USA LLC. specializes in Compact Packaged WWTP's for the Domestic and the Industrial wastewater market. We will provides you the best MBBR Manufacturer Packages Plants for enryone. Customized treatment systems are also available implementing High Speed MBBR Packaged Systems Technology. Our High Speed MBBR Packaged systems are fully automatic and incorporate their own PLC. Control for complete independence from other works. PLC. control panels are standard for both sewage and industrial wastewater systems.
When communities of microorganisms grow on surfaces, they are called bio films. Microorganisms in a bio film wastewater treatment process are more elastic to process disturbances compared to other types of biological treatment processes. Thus, bio film wastewater treatment technologies can be considerably more robust especially when compared to conventional technologies like activated sludge.
The very first bio film process, the trickling filter, was invented towards the end of the 19th century. The trickling filter can be reliable and stable but does suffer from one serious drawback; it easily becomes clogged and septic even under moderate loading conditions.
In the MBBR bio film technology the bio film grows protected within engineered plastic carriers, which are carefully designed with high internal surface area. These bio film carriers are suspended and thoroughly mixed throughout the water phase. With this technology it is possible to handle extremely high loading conditions without any problems of clogging, and treat industrial and municipal wastewater on a relatively small footprint.
The MBBR bio film technology is efficient, compact and easy to operate. It can be an excellent solution as a stand-alone process, a Moving Bed bio film reactor, or it can be used to specifically enhance or upgrade treatment potential of activated sludge processes.
The MBBR bio film technology is based on specially designed plastic bio film carriers or Bio carriers that are suspended and in continuous movement within a tank or reactor of specified volume. The design of associated aerators, grids, sieves, spray nozzles and other integral parts to the reactor is also of great importance in making up the system as a whole.
The industrial and municipal wastewater is lead to the MBBR Treatment reactor where bio film, growing within the internal structures of the bio carrier s, degrade the pollutants. These pollutants that need to be removed in order to treat the wastewater are food or substrate for growth of the bio film. The bio carrier design is critical due to requirements for good mass transfer of oxygen to the microorganisms and there is a continuous R&D in the area of the MBBR bio film technology. Excess bio film sloughs off the bio carrier in a natural way.
An aeration grid located at the bottom of the reactor supplies oxygen to the bio film along with the mixing energy required to keep the bio carrier s suspended and completely mix within the reactor.
Treated water flows from reactor through a grid or a sieve, which retains the MBBR bio carriers in the reactor. Depending on the wastewater, the reactors are may be equipped with special spray nozzles that prevent excessive foam formation.
The advantages of MBBR are that it occupies smaller area and lower power consumption vis-à-vis activated sludge or extended aeration plant. This is because the aeration tank detention time is about 4 hours of average flow. This reduces blower power. Also, this plant can operate on intermittent flow. This enables you to utilize the full pumping capacity of selected pump OR selecting a higher capacity of pump with lesser operational hours without worrying about operational efficiency of the STP (sewage treatment plant).
Lower detention times also result in lower basin construction costs. Other advantages are that it can be fully covered at top and being modular in construction, can be run at full or half capacity or modules can be added to enhance its capacity.
Small treatment plants Nitrogen reduction Phosphorous reduction Industrial Bio Kidney Fungal processes thermophilic processes anaerobic treatment Lagoon Guard Microscopy Chemical analyses Biodegradation tests Inhibition bioassays.
BAS is a biological treatment process that combines the very best from activated sludge and Moving Bed bio film technologies. Careful design of process stages yields an optimal activated sludge stage and a MBBR bio film stage that is robust towards peak and shock contaminant loading conditions. The result is consistently high and reliable treatment efficiency of any type of industrial wastewater.
The initial MBBR bio film unit process shaves the loadings peaks and any toxic inhibition effects while removing 50 to 70 percent of the incoming BOD. This pretreatment achieves 2 to 3 times increased capacity compared to a traditional activated sludge process while also being more compact. Furthermore, the BAS-process improves activated sludge characteristics making the activated sludge stage more inherently stable with a waste sludge that is easier to dewater.
If already existing tanks at a given site can be retrofitted, a simple BAS process upgrade to a faltering activated sludge process can be readily accomplished. Filling one tank with MBBR bio carrier s creates the BAS pretreatment stage that relieves the overloaded activated sludge process. The Moving Bed Bio film Reactor (MBBR) stage is optimized to remove as much of the COD as possible.
The nutrient limited BAS process is a refined BAS strategy to significantly decrease waste sludge production in cases where nutrients must be added to the wastewater. In the bio film stage, the COD in the wastewater is converted to polysaccharides. These polysaccharides are in turn used to produce biomass in the activated sludge stage. The polysaccharide production and consumption cost the bacteria a lot of energy and this expense limits their growth. Reduced growth means a decreased amount of waste sludge produced and that translates into operations savings.
The LSP technology is based on a two-stage process where in the first stage mainly free- living bacteria are promoted to grow. These dispersed bacteria will remove most of the biodegradable COD in the wastewater. The second activated sludge stage favors the growth of floc forming bacteria and large quantities of protozoa. The floc forming bacteria consume the remaining degradable COD and the protozoa feed on the free-living bacteria coming from the first stage. The outcome is a prolonged food chain and, consequently, a lower overall amount of waste sludge produced.
HYBAS process combines the Moving Bed bio film technology and activated sludge in the same tank. The HYBAS process is especially suitable fornitr ogen removal with municipal wastewater but can also be used for some industrial applications. The advantage for the nitrification process in this advanced wastewater treatment process comes in the selective control of solids retention time and the creation of multiple environments for enrichment of bacteria that specialize in different aspects of the treatment. Reduction of BOD and de-nitrification is handled by the activated sludge whereas nitrification becomes the primary job in the bio film on the MBBR bio film carriers.
The HYBAS wastewater treatment process comes with a number of special inherent attributes embodied in the bio film concept and the design:
Hydrotech USA LLC. will combine "Technical Solutions" with extensive experience in both production and WWTP operations. This includes water treatment with Media Filtration, UF, RO. Filtration membranes and Waste-Water treatment with the MBBR process for high quality effluent and reuse possibilities on a very small footprint.
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