Who we are
Hydrotech USA LLC. provides Engineering services and Global Manufacturing of Package MBBR plants for wastewater. We provides MBBR Wastewater Treatment Solutions for USA & world, many people searching the solution for wastewater so we are here and bring the better solutioon for MBBR wastewater solution and water recycle process will get you done Our Package High Speed MBBR plants are extremely compact, offering unique efficient design, made for easy shipping, quick and easy intstallation, Plug and Play plants. Our MBBR plants are designed to accommodate the Domestic and Industrial wastewater market. We take great pride in offering our clients the best in Engineering, High Quality Unique Design Wastewater Plants, at extremely competetive pricing. Our main Focus is our Clients, Production of High Quality reliable, PLC controlled MBBR plants, for a long operational life, with minimal maintenance. Plants which will adhere to all local Effluent standards. Hydrotech USA LLC. offers world wide engineering service, and plant comissionings.
Hydrotech USA LLC. will combine "Technical Solutions" with extensive experience in both production and WWTP operations. This includes water treatment with Media Filtration, UF, RO. Filtration membranes and Waste-Water treatment with the MBBR process for high quality effluent and reuse possibilities on a very small footprint.
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